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Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Best Weekend Ever!

I started out feeling really stressed this weekend. I had two really important papers to do and not very much time to do them. Now I am sitting down on Sunday night, eating shells and cheese, watching the new Doctor Who special, having seen a wonderful new episode of Dollhouse, and having seen RENT the way that it is truly meant to be seen. Life is pretty great right now.
See, a few months ago, my mom found out that RENT was coming to Chicago....not just that, but RENT starring Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp was coming to Chicago. She bought us tickets as a pre-birthday gift, but technically post birthday gift (since the show date was just yesterday). I have been really excited about it, and was really afraid that when I finally saw it, my expectations would be too high.

Yesterday finally came. I met my mom at Union Station. We went to Borders for a little while, because there was a 40% off day. I bought the Tale of Despereaux (which you should really see if you haven't).

Next was the show. It was really hard sitting in our seats and just waiting for the show to begin. As soon as Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal came on stage, people went into a frenzy. It was crazy. I was enthralled the entire time. I have seen RENT live before and also have seen the film before, but I felt like I was finally seeing it the way that it was meant to be seen. I have never really enjoyed What You Own particularly, but when I saw it performed live by Anthony and Adam, I nearly cried. It was absolutely amazing to see. I also really liked La Vie Boheme, because Adam Pascal got really into it. He was dancing a lot. He had a HUGE grin on his face. I could tell that he was having a lot of fun. The only complaints that I have dealing with the show were the lack of chemistry between Collins and Angel and between Roger and Mimi. Afterwords, they all came out, and Anthony Rapp made a few announcements to the audience.

Oh, and by the way...Adam Pascal has a really cool Celtic tattoo on his arm.

Afterwords, my mom and I went to wait by the stage door. Anthony Rapp came out, but wouldn't let anyone take their picture with him, because there were just so many people. I did manage to get a few pictures, and he did sign an autograph for me on a high heel post-it-note (thank you Mrs. Cunningham).

After the show, my mom and I went out to eat. I had this delicious Ultimate Hawaiian Volcano drink. My mom had a really good Mojito. My mom brought me an adorable Easter Basket. Instead of a basket, it was a vegetable steamer (because she knew that I didn't have one). She also gave me the Fools Rush In dvd, because she knew that I have wanted it for a little while.

Today, I went to the Oriental Theatre again to catch the very last stage door appearance. It was really cool. I feel like I am finally feeling some of the perks that come with living in Chicago.

Now the day is winding down. I am eating shells and cheese (which I haven't had in forever) and watching the much anticipated(by me mostly) new episode of Doctor Who. I am sure that I will write a review as soon as I finish. I hope that you all had a good weekend as well. Come back tomorrow for Music Monday.

1 comment:

Kimille said...

OMG I'm so jealous!! I wish I could have been there to see that! I guess I met James McAvoy so it balances out but RENT is in my blood- has been since I first saw it in 5th grade! haha But I can't wait to be with u again!! I'm so excited to see you!! Can we hibernate for a few days/few weeks and get me caught up on all the movies I've missed while abroad when I get back?? I love you, I miss you, and my friends in France are prolly sick of hearing me talk about you all the time!! I'm hugging you as we speak, you just can't feel it cause its a hug from ROME!!! bisous mi amore!

ps if you have read the latest BLUE BLOODS book, we need to talk about it! I want ur thoughts!