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Saturday, May 1, 2010

War and Peace

I just finished watching War and Peace. This particular adaptation came out in 2007. It is adapted from the novel by Leo Tolstoy that was originally published in 1869. I have never read the novel, so I am not sure how closely this adaptation followed it, but I really enjoyed it!

The film focuses on several aristocratic, Russian families and takes place over the period of time directly before to directly after the French invasion of Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. The film follows Count Pierre Bezukhov, Prince Andrei Nikolayevich  Bolkonsky (Pierre's close friend), Princess Maria Nikolayevna Bolkonskaya (Andrei's sister), Countess Natalia Illyinichna Rostova (she is in love with Andrei), Count Nikolai Illyich Rostov (Natalia's brother), Sofia Alexandrovna Rostova (she lives with the Rostovas and is in love with Nikolai), Prince Vasily Sergeyevich Kuragin, Princess Elena Vasilyevna Kuragina (Vasily's daughter), Prince Anatol Vasilyevich Kuragin (Vasily's son), Maria Dmitryevna Akhrosimova, Amalia Evgenyevna Bourienne, and Vasily Dmitrich Denisov.

The film had a lot of characters. One reason that I was able to keep them all straight was because of the magnificent performances. I was very happy to see Alessio Boni in another role. I have seen him in several other films, but have never seen him in an English-speaking role. I also really enjoyed Malcolm McDowell and Brenda Blethyn, but the actor that I was probably most impressed with was Clemence Posey. I have seen her in several roles before, but never one that was so three-dimensional. She gave a really amazing performance.

I would definitely recommend this film. It is definitely a must-see!

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