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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dream Cast Thursday! Gone With the Wind

For this week's Dream Cast Thursday, I will be recasting Gone With the Wind (1939). It was really hard (because I love the original so much!). The hardest part was trying to get the ages about right. See, when I think of Rhett, I think of a man in his late forties to early fifties. He actually should be mid-thirties. I feel like this happens a lot with older films. I always want to cast someone fairly older than the original actor that played him or her. I see nothing wrong with the original cast. I just thought that it might be fun to recast it.

Scarlett was probably the second hardest to cast. She was originally played by Vivien Leigh. After giving it a lot of thought, I ended up casting Emily Blunt.

Rhett was definitely the hardest to cast. He was originally played by Clark Gable. I kept going back and forth between several guys. I ended up choosing Gabriel Macht (mostly because he was about the right age, and because I kept getting this Southern, bad boy feel from him).

Ashley was originally played by Leslie Howard. I ended up casting Patrick Wilson.

Melanie was originally played by Olivia de Havilland. I ended up casting Amy Adams.

Belle was another hard character to cast. She was originally played by Ona Munson. I kept switching back and forth between several older actresses. I ended up casting Charlize Theron.

So what do you all think? Who would you cast in your remake?

1 comment:

Ruth said...

i really love all these choices. I really really love emily blunt. i really think she should be in more things