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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So this weekend was majorly fun for two reasons...

First of all, Amanda and her friend Liz came to visit this weekend. It was not a total surprise, but it was kind of a surprise, because I only found out towards the beginning of last week, so it was not something that we had been planning for a while. It was really amazing to see Amanda, because until she left again, I had no idea how much I had missed her (even though it has only been a couple of weeks since we had seen each other). We also got to do some fun tourist-y things that I have not really gotten a chance to do since people who live in Chicago are apparently not allowed to be tourist-y.

On Saturday we mostly just walked around downtown (specifically Michigan Avenue) and then hung out. On Sunday we went to the Sears Tower, Navy Pier and then just hung out for a while. Hanging out around Michigan Avenue was probably the most fun. I don't have any classes downtown this semester, so it was the first time that I had been downtown in a little while. Also, I made a major acquisition at the Disney Store. I found a really pretty ceramic mug with Princess Jasmine on it.

And now for the second thing that made this weekend so wonderful...
I like to think that I helped to facilitate the new love of an old television show for two friends. See, Amanda and my roommate Sarah are both Roswell newbies. Amanda was able to see a little of the first season on Saturday night. Sarah and I just finished season two. I really love it when there is something that I love and care about, and then it turns out the people that I know like the same thing. Plus, this meant that I got to spend quite a large portion of the three day weekend watching Roswell. What could be better?

Currently Reading for Class:
The Professor's House by Willa Cather
Oedipus Rex

Currently Watching:
Roswell Season Two

Currently Listening to:
Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins by Rupert Everett

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